Monday, November 22, 2010

African Burial Lecture

The African Burial Ground is clearly labeled on an official 1755 plan of New York. 

So much for so little, is what the speech proved to me
My people deserved a lot more for what they proved to be
Taken from their home, and their family
Dropped off in a state that holds a statue of liberty
as a slave is supposed to do
granted with junk, my people continued to pull through
So sad to hear of the conditions and
their lack of human rights
So sad they've helped the British in
several of their fights
Happy that they were at least not thrown in the street, 
but buried in an area, thats a memorial cite for me

Today I can visit the area they held in their hands
today I can look in a white mans eyes and pre-view his plans
the plans from one non superior pest- to a great to the 10th power African ancest- or
maybe it was seemingly right to hinder a mans freedom and give him certain rights
From the looks of today, Im sure the past was wrong
Several changes made to the book, best described in song ...or a poem

The speech was moving, yet had me concerned for what who my people were
A group of intelligent Mrs.'s and a group of intelligent Sir's 

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